ros russell

Legendary actress, Rosalind Russell endured a successful tenure in motion pictures. In a career that spanned over forty years, Russell displayed her versatility and unique brand of artistry in a diverse range of roles, such as, Hildy Johnson in His Girl Friday, Mame Dennis in Auntie Mame and Lavinia Mannon in Mourning Becomes Electra, in which she attained a Golden Globe for her performance.

Despite her prolific contribution to motion pictures, Rosalind Russell appears to be somewhat underrated compared to a majority of her contemporaries. For as long as I can remember, my Mother and Grandmother have been enamored by the talents and on-screen presence of the great actress, and when I began to express an interest in classic cinema they encouraged me to delve into her filmography. My Mother has fond memories of watching The Trouble With Angels as a child, and she was eager to introduce my brother and I to the enduring family classic that has been embedded in her memory ever since her first viewing.

On June 4th of this year, Rosalind Russell would have been 112 years old. For the occasion, I’ve decided to host a blogathon dedicated to the great actress. The instrumental force behind this idea was no other than Mum and Grandma, who suggested that my next blogathon honoree be Rosalind Russell. Needless to say, I agreed. Rosalind sure is worthy of a blogathon.




1. Bloggers are welcome to write about any film starring Rosalind Russell, or any aspect of her life and career that piques your interest. If you have a topic in mind but not sure whether its suitable, just run it by me, and I will gladly help. As always, I encourage bloggers to think outside the square.

2. For this blogathon, I am allowing no more than two duplicates, so in order to get the topic of your preference, act fast. Also, I won’t limit how many posts you want to do, but I do ask that there be no more than three entries per person.

3. As stated above, the blogathon will take place on June 4th – 6th, 2019. Please submit your posts on any of those dates. If you wish to post early, that’s fine, though I won’t link the posts until the day the blogathon arrives.

4. To express your interest in participating in the blogathon, leave a comment on my blog, along with the name and URL of your blog, and the subject you wish to cover, or you can always register by email at: For those of you who wish to register by email, please be sure to include the name and URL of your blog, and the topic you wish to cover. Once you get confirmation, please choose one of the banners and advertise it on your blog. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.


Never Wave at a WAC ( 1953 ) , Sister Kenny ( 1946 ) , The Women ( 1939 ) , The Trouble With Angels ( 1966 )


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In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood: Sister Kenny and TBD. 

Pale Writer: His Girl Friday ( 1940 )

The Stop Button: Picnic ( 1956 )

Poppity Talks Classic Film: My Sister Eileen ( 1942 )

18 Cinema Lane: The Trouble With Angels ( 1966 ) and Where Angels Go Trouble Follows! ( 1968 )

Caftan Woman: Craig’s Wife ( 1936 )

Silver Screenings: Never Wave at a WAC ( 1953 )

Taking Up Room: Never Wave at a WAC ( 1953 )

Real Weegie Widget Reviews: The Crooked Hearts ( 1972 )

The Midnight Drive-In: Auntie Mame ( 1958 )

Movie Rob: Sister Kenny ( 1946 ) and The President Vanishes ( 1934 )

Love Letters To Old Hollywood: She Wouldn’t Say Yes ( 1945 )

The Story Enthusiast: The Women ( 1939 ).

Portraits By Jenni: A Woman of Distinction ( 1950 )

Overture Books and Films: Gypsy ( 1962 )

Pop Culture Reverie: Hired Wife ( 1940 )

Vitaphone Dreamer: The Women ( 1939 )

Screen Dreams: Four’s A Crowd ( 1938 )

Critica Retro: The Trouble With Angels ( 1966 )

Anybody Got A Match?: The Feminine Touch ( 1941 )



  1. Crystal-
    It turns out that Oh Dad, Poor Dad is a logistic impossibility for me. I so wanted to do it because it sounded like a kick. But its only available as a download, I can’t acquire a physical copy on DVD to save my soul… VHS, yes, but who the hell has VHS anymore? Can I switch to Auntie Mame?


  2. Dear Crystal,

    I’d like to join this blogathon! I’d like to contribute with a Breening Thursday article about “Auntie Mame,” highlighting Rosalind Russell’s lead role in this Shurlock Era film. Is that alright?

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan


  3. Dear Crystal,

    I am sorry to let you know at the last minute, but I won’t be able to breen “Auntie Mame” tomorrow as part of your blogathon. After I signed up, I remembered that that Thursday will be the 75th anniversary of D-Day, which my father said he would like to commemorate with a breening article about some Shurlock Era World War II film. I can’t publish more than one Breening Thursday article a week, and I wouldn’t haven chosen “Auntie Mame” as my topic otherwise. However, I would still like to participate.

    Every week, I watch one Code film which I have never seen before and review it on Sunday. Would it be alright if I made this week’s film a movie with Rosalind Russell and publish my article on Sunday, linking to your blogathon? The film I have in mind is “No Time for Comedy” from 1940. I can try to publish it earlier, but there is a good chance that it won’t be published until Sunday, Would you still include it in the roster? If you can’t accept late entries, I’ll just have to drop out.

    Thank you for understanding, Crystal!

    Yours Hopefully,

    Tiffany Brannan


      1. Dear Crystal,

        Thank you very much! I appreciate that. I am going to watch the movie this afternoon. I look forward to writing the article! I’m very glad that I don’t have to drop out of the blogathon.

        Yours Hopefully,

        Tiffany Brannan


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